
Here’s a list of my Treehouse courses and workshops.

User Authentication with ASP.NET Identity

In this course, you’ll learn how to leverage user authentication to secure an application and protect your users’ data. You’ll update an existing ASP.NET MVC application to use Microsoft’s ASP.NET Identity system to implement cookie-based authentication.

Using the Angular CLI

In this workshop, you’ll learn how to use the Angular CLI to easily create, modify, and serve Angular apps.

Building Services with ASP.NET Web API

Services expose data and processes through APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) implemented using common approaches or standards. Decoupling our back-end from our front-end makes it possible for our services to support multiple client apps. We can even allow other developers and organizations to consume and use our services to further broaden the reach of our applications.

In this course, you’ll learn how to use the ASP.NET Web API framework to build a RESTful service or HTTP API. As you learn about Web API, you’ll create a service for the Fitness Frog single-page web app (SPA) developed using Angular.

Entity Framework Query Performance

In this workshop, you’ll learn how to audit Entity Framework queries and resolve common performance issues.

Entity Framework Data Concurrency

In this workshop, you’ll learn about data concurrency and how to implement optimistic data concurrency controls using Entity Framework.

Entity Framework with ASP.NET MVC

In Entity Framework Basics, you learned how to use Entity Framework to persist data to a database within the context of a console application. In this course, you’ll learn how to use Entity Framework within the Comic Book Library Manager web app—a web application developed using the ASP.NET MVC web framework. You’ll work on completing this web app so that users can create, update, and delete comic books from their digital library.

Throughout this course you’ll learn by example by completing hands-on coding exercises. See how to put EF related code into its own class library project, retrieve and persist data from within a web app, organize your data access code using popular design patterns, and more!

Entity Framework Migrations

In this course, you’ll learn how to use Entity Framework Code First Migrations to propagate data model changes to your database.

Entity Framework Basics

In this course, you’ll learn how to use Microsoft’s Entity Framework to persist application data to a database. By the end of the course, you’ll have learned how to use the Code First workflow, create entity classes, write LINQ queries, perform CRUD operations, and more.

Getting Started with ASP.NET Core

In this workshop, we’ll answer the question “What is ASP.NET Core?”, explore the .NET CLI, and create a simple app–from the command line and using Visual Studio. Along the way, we’ll also take a look at some of the key new concepts and features that are part of ASP.NET Core.


In this course, you’ll learn how to create web forms using ASP.NET MVC. Along the way, you’ll use various field types and form validation as we build a web version of the Fitness Frog application from C# Basics.


ASP.NET MVC is a popular server-side framework developed by Microsoft that is used to build dynamic websites. In this course, you’ll learn about the basics of ASP.NET MVC while we build a comic book gallery website using Visual Studio Community. Along the way, you’ll learn how to create a new project, add controllers and views, model data, and create repositories.

Creating Your First ASP.NET MVC Website

In this workshop, you’ll learn how to create an ASP.NET MVC website using Visual Studio.


In this series of livestream sessions, we’ll build a simple ASP.NET Core web API and Angular client web app.

Watch the videos on YouTube at:

Source code and additional notes are available at:
